Over 20 Years Of SaaS Experience


I know why you’re here. I know what you’ve been doing… why you hardly sleep, and why night after night, you work on your computer. You’re looking for freedom. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. Except, I never found Morpheus. I had to go it on my own, and I made many mistakes along the way that could have been avoided—mistakes from which you can now benefit. I know what keeps you up at night—from cash flow to employee and HR issues. I know what it’s like to worry about payroll and to wait too long before firing a bad employee. I’ve slept with my phone under my pillow, waiting for the next system crash.

I also know what it’s like to work with those who can’t see what you do. Those with unearned opinions regarding very complex issues. I also know you’re longing for a sounding board, a trusted ear and voice of reason who can take the complexity of your business into account. I don’t know if I’m that person for you, but I’d like to find out. As the CEO of a CRM company, I used to say, “The best CRM is the one you use.” I’m very excited for you as you move forward. Regardless of our engagement, you have access to a wealth of knowledge I never did. Use it well.

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